Visionless leaders can’t inspire empowered team members. Instead, they create a workforce of “order-takers” who are lulled into boredom and monotony. When this happens, the goal of the organization becomes preservation rather than potential.
Leaders have a unique role when it comes to vision. That’s why I just released a brand new resourced called, “The Insanely Practical Guide to Create, Communicate, & Capture Vision.” This 36-page PDF provides an extremely practical four-step process to maximize your vision efforts:
1. See the Vision
This step walks you through specific and practical actions to help you see a clear and compelling vision for the future.
2. Share the Vision
This step guides you through the process of communicating your vision to the various layers of the organization to cultivate buy-in and engagement.
3. Seize the Vision
This step helps you turn the vision into reality by developing a strategy that includes goals, action steps, mobilizing your team, leveraging resources, and a clear timeline.
4. Safeguard the Vision
This step helps you protect the vision from distraction by safeguarding it against common issues that create organizational chaos.
This no-nonsense 36-page tool takes the guesswork out of vision and walks you from A to Z as you clarify your vision, communicate it with others. and then turn it into reality. DOWNLOAD THE 36-PAGE PDF HERE FOR ONLY $9.99