Now through Monday, November 27, 2023, you’ll get 35% off any downloadable resource in my store when you use the coupon code BLACKFRIDAY. Check out these great leadership tools HERE and get immediate access at a great discount:
- The Insanely Practical Guide on How to Effectively Manage Your Time – Take your time management to an entirely new level by maximizing the three time management circles: WHY (Purpose & Values), WHERE (Roles & Priorities), and HOW (Planning & Boundaries).
- The Insanely Practical Guide on How to Lead a One-On-One Meeting – Leverage the power of one-on-one meetings by learning why and how to lead one-on-ones. Plus, you’ll get a meeting planner to give to your direct reports and a Meeting MAPP for supervisors to help you guide the meeting.
- The Insanely Practical Guide to Create, Communicate, & Capture Vision – Take the guesswork out of vision by learning how to clarify your vision, communicate it effectively, and take the steps necessary to turn the vision into reality. This A to Z resource will guide you each step of the way.
- 15 Outstanding Hiring Questions – Who you hire impacts everything. These 15 questions will help you find the candidate that’s right for your culture, team, and the role you’re trying to fill.
Again, use the COUPON CODE “BLACKFRIDAY” to get 35% off between now and Monday, November 27, 2023.

Check each resource out HERE and USE THE COUPON CODE “BLACKFRIDAY” by Monday, November 27, 2023 to get 35% off. You’ll gain immediate access to these insanely practical tools.