Most time management methods focus on getting more done in less time. In other words, it’s about employing tips and tricks, tactics and tools, to squeeze more productivity out of every minute. That’s an important part of time management, but it’s incomplete.
In my new resource, The Insanely Practical Guide on How to Effectively Manage Your Time, you’ll learn how to leverage the three essential circles of time management to achieve the highest levels of effectiveness: WHY (Purpose & Values), WHERE (Roles & Priorities), and HOW (Planning & Boundaries).
Without the “Why” circle (a well-defined purpose and clearly stated values), you’ll efficiently manage your time to accomplish the wrong things. That’s not a picture of success, much less significance. Who cares if you get the wrong things done quicker.
Once you identify the “Why” circle, you must choose the roles and priorities that will help you fulfill your purpose and values. Roles and priorities are “Where” you’ll invest your time. The “Where” circle ensures alignment with your purpose and values.
Then, once you’ve established clear priorities for each role, you must engage the third circle—“How.” “How” keeps your priorities in focus with two important practices: planning and boundaries. Planning is about creating a system to maximize the minutes in your day. And boundaries are the guardrails that protect the use of your time. Without boundaries, somebody else will determine how you spend your time.
The Insanely Practical Guide on How to Effectively Manage Your Time will help you define all three circles to maximize your time management efforts. So, what happens when one of the time management circles is missing?
- Time management without purpose and values equals an UNFULFILLED LIFE.
- Time management without roles and priorities equals an UNFOCUSED LIFE.
- Time management without planning and boundaries equals an UNHEALTHY LIFE.
This 35-page downloadable guide will help you maximize your time, make your greatest impact, and equip you to live a fulfilled, focused, and healthy life. Order a copy HERE for only $9.99, and be sure to check out other Insanely Practical Guides in the series.