3 Guiding Principles to Develop Team Members

by | Church, Leadership, Organizations

Investing in the growth of your team is a critical part of building momentum. As team members grow, their confidence increases, their impact expands, and the organization accelerates. While there are multiple ways to develop team members, there are three principles that guide the developmental process. Without these principles, you’ll never maximize your team investment.

1. Proximity

The deepest levels of team development happen when there’s relational proximity. Relationships are at the heart of coaching, mentoring, and disciple-making. Relationships sit at the seat of one-on-one’s. And those relationships deploy the tools of development such as training, resources, and experiences.

Proximity happens when relationships drive the developmental process.  This makes team development people-centric rather than content-centric. Content is important, but it’s most powerful when deployed and debrief in the context of relationships.

2. Strategy

Developing team members doesn’t happen randomly. It requires a strategy that is clear, systematic, and multi-faceted. A team investment strategy may include conferences, resources, workshops, intensive coaching, books, video courses, and more.

At 7 City Church, we identified layers of volunteer leadership (team members, leaders, and coaches), and then we created training for each layer of leadership. That training is organized into four areas: discipleship, vision and values, leadership skills, and technical skills. My point is simply that team development needs a clear strategy.

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This practical 89-page guide provides the roadmap to BUILD A HIGHLY EFFECTIVE, MISSION FOCUSED, & FULLY ENGAGED CHURCH STAFF. Plus, you’ll get 25 customizable tools to build team momentum including a role description, dozens of interview questions, onboarding checklist, staff meeting template, goal template, annual reviews, teamwork scorecard, & more.

3. Consistency

Developing team members requires consistency. It’s not a one-time event but an ongoing developmental process. Without consistency, leaders fail to close character and competency gaps. Leaders must identify what they’ll do daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, and annually to invest in their team. You might do daily check-ins, weekly one-on-ones, monthly trainings, quarterly team nights, and annual celebrations. The key is consistency.

Proximity, strategy, and consistency are foundational guiding principles for developing team members. Combined, they’ll accelerate your efforts and maximize your people-development efforts.

Stephen Blandino

Stephen Blandino

Pastor | Author | Coach | Podcaster

Leaders today are frustrated by a lack of clarity, ineffective systems, dysfunctional teams, and unhealthy cultures. I speak, coach, and write to help motivated pastors and leaders gain clarity, build high-performing teams, and maximize organizational health.



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